Thursday, September 22, 2011

Typhoon Roke again

Well, when we woke up everything was back to normal.  There was some slight damage around the neighborhood and when we came home last night, there were some metal sheets on our porch with a note in English saying that it was from our house.  I went out today and sure enough, on the corner of the roof there were pieces missing.  We really appreciated our neighbor making an effort to write in English!

This is the shed that moved off its base and was banging against the window.  You can see the decorative bars on the window that helped it from breaking.

This is our neighbor's shed in the waterway behind our house.

This rice field had a lot of rice plants blown over.  We saw some where the whole field was leveled.

The fence at the Toshiba plant that we pass going to and from work was blown over.


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