Sunday, September 18, 2011

Field Trip to Tokyo!!!

     Last Monday during class we were told out of the blue that we were going to take a field trip to Tokyo on Friday. Everyone was so excited to go and mainly for one reason... STARBUCKS! I have never seen a group of people so eager to go somewhere just for Starbucks. However, I was very excited to go because I have only been to Tokyo two other times.
     On Friday we took the shinkansen, or bullet train, (which was so cool) to Tokyo. Once we got there we had to switch trains twice and then walk to the science museum, which was the first part of the field trip. The science museum was a very neat place. After that, we went back to the station to eat lunch. When we were free to go where we wanted, there was a mad rush to Starbucks. My group got Starbucks then went somewhere else to eat, but a lot of people just stayed in Starbucks the whole time.
     After lunch was done we headed over to a college fair. The walk there was awful because it was all uphill and it was so hot! Once we got there I went to a couple different college booths. However, there was no air conditioning and we were in our hot uniforms that we all had to sit down and couldn't bear the heat anymore. So, we ended up leaving the college fair early. Of course we had two more opportunities to get Starbucks before we left and many people did. We do not have a Starbucks anywhere close to us so this trip was a real treat.
      Overall, we had a fantastic field trip and I had so much fun! I am really starting to fit in with my class and am enjoying the time I spend with them.

Rachel :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Rachel. I just wanted to say that I am enjoying the entries you and your family have been entering. My son is taking Japanese this year; this blog is giving him a unique view of the culture there. Blessings to you and your family!

    -Colette (remember me from the flash mob?)
