Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Earthquake/Tsunami Drill

Yesterday, we had a drill at school at 11:40 a.m.  We had 10 seconds to see if we could get the students to duck and cover with cushions on their heads.  The teachers needed to open a window or a door and put helmets on.  After the countdown, we evacuated quickly to the highest place on our school grounds,  We went to the rooftop and waited.  The school figured out how high the tsunami would be if it hit our bay.
It was an interesting exercise!
I was a little stressed because my class was in the Computer Lab and we had to find spare cushions for the students.  But it all went well.
Don't really see the affects of the disaster up north in Fukushima in my city.  The Japanese Prime Minister was criticized for not acting quicker and effectively and was replaced last week.  Our city decided to forgo the summer fireworks and send the monies to rebuild the areas in need.  Otherwise, things are quite normal here except for the monthly earthquake and NOW tsunami drill.

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