Last night I heard THE sound. A sound from the past that we'd been waiting to hear but hadn't since we'd been back to Japan and didn't think we'd hear until the winter. We had heard a similar sound about a month ago and rode our bikes, catching up to the little truck with the lantern glowing from the side but to our disappointment, it was a ramen truck. Not tonight though. I was at the computer at about 9:30 PM when I heard that familiar sound. Yakiiiiiiiiiiii Imooooooooooo (Sweeeeeeeeeet Potatooooooooo). Yes, it was the Sweet Potato truck. The guy has built some sort of a wood burning oven on the back of a small pickup truck. Yes, a truck with gasoline underneath but he must have insulated it really well because you can see the fire burning in the back of his truck. Rachel and I took off (sorry Alex) and caught up with him down the street. A neighbor had stopped him so we were able to get our Sweet Potatoes. He lifted up a some sort of oven door and they were inside baking. We bought two and took them home and cut them open, spreading butter over them. Mmmmmmmm. Delicious! I never liked sweet potatoes back home but these are more like regular potatoes but just a little different. I can't wait until it gets colder and hopefully he'll come around a bit earlier so we can have some for dinner. And maybe, just maybe, we'll have to catch up to the ramen truck again and have a bit of ramen one night.

You can see the fire burning in the back of the truck.
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